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La rivoluzione del Metaverso

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Lavorando insieme, tracceremo percorsi di carriera unici e di grande impatto per realizzare le tue aspirazioni professionali.

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La rivoluzione del Metaverso

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Servizi per l'Impresa

I principali datori di lavoro nazionali e internazionali si affidano a noi per ottenere soluzioni rapide ed efficienti. Scopri la nostra gamma di servizi e risorse.

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Sia che tu stia cercando di assumere talenti, sia che tu sia alla ricerca di una svolta professionale, qui troverai le ultime notizie, le tendenze e gli spunti di cui hai bisogno.

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Le Grandi Dimissioni Aziendali

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Robert Walters Italia

Per noi il recruitment è più di un semplice lavoro. Sappiamo di poter fare la differenza nella vita delle persone.

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Attivi a livello nazionale e internazionale possiamo garantirti una consulenza pofessionale, puntuale e trasparente. 


Impacting Change Remotely - the Role of Tech

Register here to watch this on-demand webinar where Robert Walters and leaders across the technology & transformation sphere as explore the pivotal role of high-performing IT & Change teams in inciting, progressing and delivering change remotely during COVID-19.

Topics of discussion include:

  • How high performing teams can deliver remotely
  • Remotely managing employee mental and physical wellbeing
  • Managing IT Security issues in the “new-normal” environment
  • Overcoming challenges with cross-training, upskilling new and current staff remotely
  • Q&A - ask the experts

Evolve – Transform - Grow.
Navigate uncertain times with our latest insights on leadership, strategy and change management.

The Robert Walters Navigating Change leadership insights series supports business leaders in leveraging their people to stay connected, resilient and adaptive during periods of uncertainty and market turbulence. Drawing upon our network of experts and industry leaders, we explore how you can drive forward change, all while mitigating the current crisis.

Access webinars, online events, reports, articles, and industry leading content for free.

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David Loughenbury

Chief Information Officer
Police Mutual

David is a highly accomplished business leader with a track record of delivering transformational change across global businesses within B2C, B2B, financial services sectors and FTSE-250 business. His transformation remit ranges from the development of IT, Digital & Data strategies, programme delivery, IT & Business Change Leadership, IT Applications Development and working with Systems Integrators

With a passion and flair for developing talent and galvanising teams in challenging situations, David moves from strategy to action with speed and agility to define and deliver successful and sustainable change.


Ian Baxter

Global Chief Information Security Officer

Ian has over 23 years’ experience in designing and implementing forward¬‐thinking digital strategies for blue¬‐chip organisations faced with the challenges of evolving global markets, advancing competition, business transformation, and increasing regulatory and technical requirements.

Nurturing and driving organisations through complex change, optimising cost saving, and streamlining cross‐functional operations, Ian delivers expert consultation to multiple stakeholder groups to overcome obstacles, realise desired results and achieve coherent transformation.

Ian’s extensive global project experience encompasses financial services organisations working throughout Asia, Europe and USA.

Ian has a proven record of building and developing high performing global teams to deliver successful global transformation programmes using internal, vendor, contractor, nearshore and offshore disparate teams with matrix management.


Malcolm Fleming

Chief Transformation Officer
Nets Group

Malcolm is an experienced leader of business and digital strategy and implementation in payments, banking and insurance, drawing on skills from both technology and senior business roles in European, US and Asian markets in organisations such as Visa, Nets, Lloyds, NFU Mutual, Shell, 3M, Tate & Lyle, IBM and Fujitsu.


John Court

Chief Information Officer
Eddie Stobart Logistics

John is a leading CIO and board advisor who has operated extensively in mid cap companies, PLC's and private equity held entities. He is also experienced in IPO’s, mergers, carve-outs, acquisitions and divestments and had led the technology and change elements of these on a number of occasions.

Elected a Top 100 CIO, John's multi-award winning supply chain solutions and operations have received independent industry recognition for technology innovation, service quality and operational excellence.

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