

Lavorando insieme, tracceremo percorsi di carriera unici e di grande impatto per realizzare le tue aspirazioni professionali.

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La rivoluzione del Metaverso

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Servizi per l'Impresa

I principali datori di lavoro nazionali e internazionali si affidano a noi per ottenere soluzioni rapide ed efficienti. Scopri la nostra gamma di servizi e risorse.

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Attivi a livello nazionale e internazionale possiamo garantirti una consulenza pofessionale, puntuale e trasparente. 

Offerte di lavoro

Sei alla ricerca di una nuova opportunità lavorativa? Vogliamo aiutarti a scrivere il prossimo capitolo della tua carriera.

Vedi tutte le Offerte di lavoro

Consigli di Carriera

Ti guidiamo durante tutto il tuo percorso professionale.

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Lavorando insieme, tracceremo percorsi di carriera unici e di grande impatto per realizzare le tue aspirazioni professionali.

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La rivoluzione del Metaverso

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Servizi per l'Impresa

I principali datori di lavoro nazionali e internazionali si affidano a noi per ottenere soluzioni rapide ed efficienti. Scopri la nostra gamma di servizi e risorse.

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Sia che tu stia cercando di assumere talenti, sia che tu sia alla ricerca di una svolta professionale, qui troverai le ultime notizie, le tendenze e gli spunti di cui hai bisogno.

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Le Grandi Dimissioni Aziendali

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Robert Walters Italia

Per noi il recruitment è più di un semplice lavoro. Sappiamo di poter fare la differenza nella vita delle persone.

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Lavora con noi

Consulta le nostre offerte di lavoro interne

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Attivi a livello nazionale e internazionale possiamo garantirti una consulenza pofessionale, puntuale e trasparente. 


Returning to the new world of work

After months of working from home, companies are slowly taking steps to return to the office. The challenges we all face is to pick the right measures, and to move forward at the right pace. Join us to learn from organisations that take an innovative approach in making the office a safe place to work again.

Faye Walshe, Director of Innovation & Research at the Robert Walters Group, will present the results of a survey conducted among 5,000+ professionals and their employers worldwide. How did employees experience the past few months of working remotely, and what are their expectations for the near future? To what extent are employers planning to meet these expectations? Join this webinar to find out!

Peter van Woerkum, COO at office space real estate giant Cushman & Wakefield, takes you on a tour of the ‘6-feet office’, a return to the office concept that has made headlines worldwide.

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Peter van Woerkum

Chief Operating Officer
Cushman & Wakefield

As Chief Operating Officer of Cushman & Wakefield, Peter van Woerkum is responsible for coordinating operational activities across service lines and support functions within the organization. In his role, he ensures the implementation of the strategic ambitions and focuses on an effective and integrated approach to initiated programs in accordance with corporate values and culture. He has a leading role in mergers and acquisitions and integration activities. Prior to becoming Chief Operating Officer Peter was responsible for the transition and transformation of the new organization after the merger in 2016. Before he joined Cushman & Wakefield he fulfilled the role of COO at ING Lease and specialized in company transformations.


Faye Walshe

Director of Innovation & Research
Robert Walters Group

Faye ensures our clients benefit from truly innovative recruitment solutions. Her team monitors consumer trends which shape our recruitment and HR landscape, seek out disruptive recruitment technology for trial, and challenge our existing processes and service offerings to ensure that our clients are always up to date with the latest thinking. Faye is passionate about keeping track of the fast pace of change in the consumer landscape and challenging our staff and clients to consider ‘what's next'.

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