After months of working from home, companies are slowly taking steps to return to the office. The challenges we all face is to pick the right measures, and to move forward at the right pace. Join us to learn from organisations that take an innovative approach in making the office a safe place to work again.
Faye Walshe, Director of Innovation & Research at the Robert Walters Group, will present the results of a survey conducted among 5,000+ professionals and their employers worldwide. How did employees experience the past few months of working remotely, and what are their expectations for the near future? To what extent are employers planning to meet these expectations? Join this webinar to find out!
Peter van Woerkum, COO at office space real estate giant Cushman & Wakefield, takes you on a tour of the ‘6-feet office’, a return to the office concept that has made headlines worldwide.
Chief Operating Officer
Cushman & Wakefield
Director of Innovation & Research
Robert Walters Group
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